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Elementos de la colección (clasificados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 61 a 80 de 7405
TítuloAutor/aAñoTipoVista previa
Innovation in Foreign Language Acquisition: Involving Students in Real-Life ProjectsEmanuela Tchitchova2024Actas de congresos
Corpus Research on Multiword Discourse Markers for Raising Translation AwarenessGiedrė Valūnaitė Oleškevičienė; Chaya Liebeskind2024Actas de congresos
Implementing an Ecosystem Approach to Developing Academic Oral Presentation SkillsS. Dimitrova-Gyuzeleva2024Actas de congresos
Sustainable consumption of geomaterials and production of asphalt pavements in sensitive environments: low energy asphalt with waste materials from volcanic islandsFranesqui, Miguel A. ; Yepes, Jorge ; García-González, Cándida ; Valencia Díaz, Samuel 2023Actas de congresos
Fostering Inclusive Innovation - how student’s projects prepared for Universal Design classes shifted their mindsetAnna Sieroń2024Actas de congresos
Educational Enterprise: a challenge for the university ecosystem in Bulgaria (an innovative approach for transferring knowledge in entrepreneurship and management to professionalism in practice)G. Kiril Radev; Mariya Ivanova; Teodora V. Rizova2024Actas de congresos
Agile Team-Based Learning model in a Developmental Psychology courseŁukasz Tanaś2024Actas de congresos
Embedded assessment in Higher Education: a case studyLorella Giannandrea; Francesca Gratania2024Actas de congresos
Synergy of Minds and Machines: An Action Research Study on ChatGPT's Role in Transforming the Learning ProcessA. Kotłowska2024Actas de congresos
UAEGEAN innovative pedagogical approaches: The bring your own device approachParaskevi-Chrysovalantou Zangogiann; Angeliki Kitsioua; Evangelia Kavaklia2024Actas de congresos
"HR: rush for practice" - an innovative teaching approach to support of the learners (good practices at New Bulgarian University)Ivanova Mariya2024Actas de congresos
The physical theatre at the core of language learningGiulia Filacanapa; Hanane Boutenbatb2024Actas de congresos
Law as Social Art: a New Path for Research and TeachingArianna Alpini; Francesca Ferretti2024Actas de congresos
Exploring the institutionalisation of Service-Learning at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran CanariaCano Ramírez, Ana ; Sandu, Bianca Manuela ; Vidal-Luengo, Ana Ruth ; Castro Alonso, Pedro Luis 2024Actas de congresos
Student Inclusion in Action: Applying Scientific Research-Based Learning and Team-Based LearningAgota Giedrė Raišienė; Aistė Dromantaitėa; Justinas Sadauskasa2024Actas de congresos
Interdisciplinary project-based learning: the impact of co-teaching on students’ achievementLaura Fedeli; Rosita Deluigia2024Actas de congresos
Application of the project method in teaching legal disciplinesViktoriia Pankratova; Olha Stohova2024Actas de congresos
Approaches and key indicators for evaluating the outcomes of project-based learning in VETG. Kiril Radev; Ralitsa Velinova-Dencheva2024Actas de congresos
Learning by playingNicolini, P.; Guardabassi, V.; Iraci, S.2024Actas de congresos
Gamification in higher education, the experience at ULPGCAlonso Sánchez, José Alexis ; Quevedo Gutiérrez, Eduardo Gregorio 2024Actas de congresos
Elementos de la colección (clasificados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 61 a 80 de 7405