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Título: Exploring UUV Development with NauSim: An Open-Source Simulation Platform
Autores/as: Ortiz-Toro, César Antonio
Cerrada-Collado, Cristina
Moreno-Salinas, David
Chaos-Garcia, Dictino
García Suárez, Karen Lyn 
Otero-Roth, Pablo
Vidal-Pérez, Juan Manuel
Luque-Nieto, Miguel Ángel
Vázquez, Ana Isabel
Fraile-Ardanuy, José Jesús
Negro-Valdecantos, Vicente
Jiménez Yguacel, Eugenio 
Aranda-Almansa, Joaquin
Zazo-Bello, Santiago
Zufiria, Pedro J.
Magdalena-Layos, Luis
Parras-Moral, Juan
Gutiérrez, Alvaro
Clasificación UNESCO: 331913 Vehículos submarinos
Palabras clave: Multi-vehicle systems | Programming and Vision | Robot Navigation | Sensors and actuators | Simulation | UUVs
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Editor/a: IEEE Xplore
Conferencia: 7th Edition Global Conference on Wireless and Optical Technologies, GCWOT 2024
Resumen: This article introduces NauSim, an open-source simulation tool designed for developing control algorithms for Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUVs). NauSim is targeted at researchers and developers in underwater robotics, with a focus on Machine Learning (ML) based applications. The simulation tool is made in Python, acknowledging its prominence in ML research. Key design principles include a clean, flexible and modular architecture which can be integrated easily with existing control paradigms, thus allowing for the configuration of simulations, the creation of new environments and the addition of sensor interfaces and control models. Furthermore, NauSim emphasizes simplicity in deploying control algorithms from the simulator to target hardware. The article presents three use cases that illustrate the diverse applications of the simulator. The first case study is based on swarm robotics, the second showcases the development of advanced sensor simulations, and the third demonstrates the deployment of a controller developed in NauSim in a 'real world' scenario.
ISBN: [9798331534271]
DOI: 10.1109/GCWOT63882.2024.10805602
Colección:Actas de congresos
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