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Título: Functional activity of rat testicular cells in culture
Autores/as: Centol, I.
Deniz, A.
Benitez, L.
Marrero, I. 
Fanjul, L. F. 
Ruiz de Galarreta, C. M.
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
2403 Bioquímica
Palabras clave: Functional activity
Testicular cells
Fecha de publicación: 1988
Publicación seriada: Biochemistry International 
Resumen: Testicular cells from adult hypophysectomized rats were cultured for 10 or 12 days, and the effect of treatment with hCG (10 ng/ml) on testosterone and progesterone production and the activity of the Leydig cell enzyme, 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, were studied. Regardless of hormone treatment, on 4th day in culture a decline in the steroidogenic activity of cultured cells could be observed. Treatment with hCG resulted in stimulation of steroidogenesis on days 6 to 10 in culture, as measured by testosterone and progesterone production. Hormone treatment stimulated or inhibited the enzyme activity depending on the presence or absence in the culture medium of 10(-6) M spironolactone, an inhibitor of 17 alpha-hydroxylase, or an anti-androgen, cyproterone acetate.
ISSN: 0158-5231
Fuente: Biochemistry International [ISSN 0158-5231], v. 16 (2), p. 311-322
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