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Título: A high dietary glycemic index increases total mortality in a mediterranean population at high cardiovascular risk
Autores/as: Castro-Quesada, I.
Sánchez-Villegas, Almudena 
Estruch, Ramón
Salas-Salvadó, Jordi
Corella, Dolores
Schröder, H.
Álvarez-Pérez, J. 
Ruiz-López, M.D.
Artacho, R.
Ros, Emilio
Bullo, M.
Covas, María Isabel
Ruiz-Gutierrez, V.
Ruiz-Canela, Miguel
Buil-Cosiales, P.
Gómez-Gracia, Enrique
Lapetra, José
Pinto, Xavier
Arós, Fernando
Fiol, Miquel
Lamuela-Raventós, R.M.
Martínez-González, Miguel Ángel
Serra-Majem, Lluis 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3206 Ciencias de la nutrición
Palabras clave: Glycemic index
Cardiovascular risk
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Publicación seriada: PLoS ONE 
Resumen: Different types of carbohydrates have diverse glycemic response, thus glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) are used to assess this variation. The impact of dietary GI and GL in all-cause mortality is unknown. The objective of this study was to estimate the association between dietary GI and GL and risk of all-cause mortality in the PREDIMED study.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107968
Fuente: PLoS ONE [EISSN 1932-6203], v. 9 (9), (Septiembre 2014)
Derechos: by-nc-nd
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