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Title: FPGA-Based Hyperspectral Lossy Compressor With Adaptive Distortion Feature for Unexpected Scenarios
Authors: Caba, Julian
Stroobandt, Dirk
Diaz, Maria
Barba, Jesus
Rincon, Fernando
Lopez, Sebastián 
Garijo López,Juan Carlos 
UNESCO Clasification: 33 Ciencias tecnológicas
Keywords: Adaptive computing
field-programmable gate array (FPGA)
hyperspectral imaging
lossy compression
on-board processing
Issue Date: 2023
Journal: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 
Abstract: Lossy compression solutions have grown up during the past decades because of the increment of the data rate in the new-generation hyperspectral sensors; however, linear compression techniques include useless information on regions of little interest for the final application and, at the same time, scarce information on areas of interest. In this article, a transform-based lossy compressor, HyperLCA, has been extended to include a runtime adaptive distortion feature that brings multiple compression ratios in the same scenario. The solution has been designed to keep the same hardware-friendly feature, just as its previous version, specifically conceived to ease the deployment of the solution on reconfigurable hardware devices (FPGAs). The experiments demonstrate that the new version of the compressor is able to process 1024 × 1024 hyperspectral images and 180 spectral bands (377.5 MB) in 0.935 s with a power consumption of 1.145 W. In addition, experimental results also reveal that our architecture features high throughput (MSamples/s) and remarkable energy-efficiency (MB/s/W) tradeoffs, 10× and 6× greater than the best state-of-the-art solution, respectively.
ISSN: 1939-1404
DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2023.3298484
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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