Identificador persistente para citar o vincular este elemento:
Título: Tradução e tecnologia digital: Práticas, teorias, métodos de pesquisa e a sala de aula
Otros títulos: Translation and Digital Technology: Practices, Theories, Research Methods, and the Classroom
Autores/as: Silva, Igor Antônio Lourenço da
Bernal Merino, Miguel Ángel 
Esqueda, Marileide Dias
Freitas, Marcela Henrique de
Morais, Cecília Franco
Clasificación UNESCO: 5701 Lingüística aplicada
Palabras clave: Translation
Digital Technology
Translation teaching and learning
Research, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Publicación seriada: Belas Infiéis 
Resumen: In this foreword, we provide the background of this issue on localization and digital technology. We attempt to explain why talking about technology is still a currency in Translation Studies and in the language service industry even though the topic “translation technology” has been around for decades and early accounts have already urged translators to adapt if they are to be or remain competitive. We briefly discuss localization as a case in point. We also provide a brief overview of the 13 manuscripts (including articles, translations, books reviews, and an interview) that have been selected to make up this issue.
ISSN: 2316-6614
DOI: 10.26512/belasinfieis.v9.n4.2020.31444
Fuente: Belas Infiéis [ISSN 2316-6614], v. 9 (4), p. 3-15
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actualizado el 23-nov-2024

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