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Título: La versión original con subtítulo intralingüístico como recurso para la mejora de la pronunciación
Otros títulos: El subtitulado autogenerado para la corrección de la pronunciación en FLE
Autores/as: Guillén Archambault, Veronique 
Clasificación UNESCO: 5701 Lingüística aplicada
Palabras clave: Didactic Audiovisual Translation
French For Specific Purposes
Video Self-Recording
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Publicación seriada: Çédille 
Resumen: This article aims to show the potential of didactic audiovisual translation (DAT), for the improvement of pronunciation in French as a foreign language (FFL), through pedagogical procedure based on listening and reading aloud a text, repetition, video recording and evaluation of the recording by means of an automatic intralinguistic subtitling tool providing written transcription of the reading aloud. This task also seeks to develop autonomous learning of oral skills, which are often overlooked in the teaching and learning of foreign languages, through a DAT activity, designed to facilitate self-correction and improvement of pronunciation for Spanish-speaking university students at A1 level.
ISSN: 1699-4949
DOI: 10.25145/j.cedille.2024.25.15
Fuente: Cedille-Revista De Estudios Franceses [ISSN 1699-4949] (25), 2024, p. 393-421
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