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Título: Sesquiterpene lactones from Gonospermum gomerae and G. fruticosum and their cytotoxic activities
Autores/as: Triana, Jorge
Eiroa, José Luis 
Ortega, Juan José
León, Francisco
Brouard Martín,Ignacio 
Torres, Fernando
Quintana, José 
Estévez, Francisco 
Bermejo, Jaime
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3209 Farmacología
Palabras clave: Occurring Terpene Derivatives
Pyrethrum Flowers
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Proyectos: Nuevos Compuestos Antileucémicos 
Desarrollo de Nuevos, Mas Seguros y Mas Efectivos Compuestos Antileucemicos 
INTERREG IIIB Azores-Madeira-Canarias (04/MAC/3.5/C5)
Publicación seriada: Journal of Natural Products 
Resumen: Four new sesquiterpene lactones (1−4) and a new sesquiterpene (5) together with 20 known compounds were isolated from two Gonospermum species (G. gomerae Bolle and G. fruticosum Less). Their structures were determined by analysis of spectroscopic data, including 1D and 2D NMR. The cytotoxicity of several new and known natural and semisynthetic sesquiterpene lactones was also assessed against human myeloid leukemia cell lines (HL-60 and U937), human melanoma cells (SK-MEL-1), and human adenocarcinoma (A549).
ISSN: 0163-3864
DOI: 10.1021/np800474v
Fuente: Journal of Natural Products [ISSN 0163-3864], v. 71 (12), p. 2015-2020, (Diciembre 2008)
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