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Título: The androgen receptor does not mediate progestin regulation of progesterone biosynthesis in cultured rat granulosa cells
Autores/as: Quintana, J 
Fanjul, L. F. 
Estevez, F. 
Deniz Caceres, A. 
Marrero, I. 
Benitez, L.
Centol, I. 
Quintana, J.
Gonzalez, J.
Llanes, L.
Ruiz de Galarreta, C. M.
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
2403 Bioquímica
Palabras clave: Androgen receptor
Fecha de publicación: 1989
Publicación seriada: Biochemistry International 
Resumen: In the present investigation the influence of androgens and progestins on the FSH modulation of progesterone biosynthesis was studied in cultured rat granulosa cells. Cells obtained from the ovaries of immature estrogen treated rats were cultured for three days in serum free medium or in medium supplemented with FSH or CPA, with or without reduced androgen DHT or the synthetic progestin R5020 alone or in combination with the anti-androgen CPA. Treatment with FSH increased pregnenolone, progesterone and 20 alpha-OHP accumulation in the culture medium 20-, 14- and 7-fold, respectively. Furthermore FSH increased the activity of the enzyme 3 beta-HSD. Concurrent treatment with DHT or R5020 augmented the FSH stimulated steroidogenesis of cultured cells. The androgen enhancement of FSH stimulated steroidogenesis of cultured granulosa cells was blocked by concomitant treatment with CPA, whereas treatment of cultures with anti-androgen did not affect the stimulatory effect of the synthetic progestin R5020.
ISSN: 0158-5231
Fuente: Biochemistry International [ISSN 0158-5231], v. 19 (5), p. 977-984
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