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Título: SIRT1, AMP-activated protein kinase phosphorylation and downstream kinases in response to a single bout of sprint exercise: Influence of glucose ingestion
Autores/as: Guerra, Borja 
Guadalupe Grau, Amelia 
Fuentes, Teresa 
Ponce-González, Jesús Gustavo
Morales Alamo, David 
Olmedillas, Hugo
Guillén Salgado, José Ángel 
Santana Rodríguez, Alfredo 
Calbet, Jose A. L. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 241106 Fisiología del ejercicio
Palabras clave: Fatigue, Human, Performance, Signaling, Skeletal muscle, Wingate
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Editor/a: 1439-6319
Proyectos: Mecanismos Fisiológicos y Moleculares de la Reducción de Masa Grasa en Seres Humanos Mediante Ejercicios de Musculación. 
Publicación seriada: European Journal of Applied Physiology 
Resumen: This study was designed to examine potential in vivo mechanisms of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) phosphorylation inhibition and its downstream signaling consequences during the recovery period after a single bout of sprint exercise. Sprint exercise induces Thr172-AMPK phosphorylation and increased PGC-1α mRNA, by an unknown mechanism. Muscle biopsies were obtained in 15 young healthy men in response to a 30-s sprint exercise (Wingate test) randomly distributed into two groups: the fasting (n = 7, C) and the glucose group (n = 8, G), who ingested 75 g of glucose 1 h before exercising to inhibit AMPKα phosphorylation. Exercise elicited different patterns of Ser221-ACCβ, Ser473-Akt and Thr 642-AS160 phosphorylation, during the recovery period after glucose ingestion. Thirty minutes after the control sprint, Ser485AMPKα 1/Ser491-AMPKα2 phosphorylation was reduced by 33% coinciding with increased Thr172-AMPKα phosphorylation (both, P < 0.05). Glucose abolished the 30-min Thr172-AMPKα phosphorylation. Ser221-ACCβ phosphorylation was elevated immediately following and 30 min after exercise in C and G, implying a dissociation between Thr172-AMPKα and Ser221- ACCβ phosphorylation. Two hours after the sprint, PGC-1α protein expression remained unchanged while SIRT1 (its upstream deacetylase) was increased. Glucose ingestion abolished the SIRT1 response without any significant effect on PGC-1α protein expression. In conclusion, glucose ingestion prior to a sprint exercise profoundly affects Thr172- AMPKα phosphorylation and its downstream signaling during the recovery period.
ISSN: 1439-6319
DOI: 10.1007/s00421-010-1413-y
Fuente: European Journal Of Applied Physiology[ISSN 1439-6319],v. 109 (4), p. 731-743
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