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Título: Romper el ciclo de la invisibilidad. El empleo como vía para favorecer la inclusión
Otros títulos: Break the cycle of invisibility. Employment as way to favor inclusion
Autores/as: Fontán Montesinos, Mª Teresa 
Rivero Marrero, Gisela
Clasificación UNESCO: 58 Pedagogía
Palabras clave: Inclusive Education
Groups in Risk of Social Exclusion
Learning and Participant Barriers
Education for Employment
Fecha de publicación: 2013
Publicación seriada: El Guiniguada 
Resumen: En España las posibilidades de empleo de las personas en riesgo de exclusión social no son satisfactorias. Se trata de un problema que centramos en las concepciones educativas de la enseñanza-aprendizaje inicial, que orientan minoritariamente a la formación para el empleo como a la oferta y demanda de trabajo de esos colectivos. En nuestro sistema educativo de la desatención y marginación del alumnado en riesgo de exclusión social se pasó a la educación especial; luego, a la normalización e integración, lo que condujo a la inclusión educativa. En ese momento final que nos encontramos aparecen visiones innovadoras como la escuela para todos, empleo con apoyo, y vida con apoyo que desarrollan el paradigma de la autonomía y vida independiente. Employment chances for people in risk of social exclusion are not satisfactory in Spain. This has been a problem at the core of educational conceptions concerning primary education, scarcely orientated towards the employment of such groups. In our system, from margination and neglect of our pupils in risk of social exclusion, we sent them to special education first, then to normalization and integration and finally to inclusive education. Nowadays, innovative visions such as school for all, employment and life with support are developing the model of autonomy and independent life.
Employment chances for people in risk of social exclusion are not satisfactory in Spain. This has been a problem at the core of educational conceptions concerning primary education, scarcely orientated towards the employment of such groups. In our system, from margination and neglect of our pupils in risk of social exclusion, we sent them to special education first, then to normalization and integration and finally to inclusive education. Nowadays, innovative visions such as school for all, employment and life with support are developing the model of autonomy and independent life.Being conscious of the difficulties of the inclusive education process we alert here of the danger of revoking what has been achieved so far and endorse it as the only desirable moral education for labour and social integration of these groups.
ISSN: 0213-0610
Fuente: Guiniguada [ISSN 0213-0610], v. 22, p. 41-63, (2013)
Colección:Guiniguada. 2ª Etapa. n.22, 2013 
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