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Título: New phase-changing soft open point and impacts on optimising unbalanced power distribution networks
Autores/as: Lou, CW
Yang, J
Li, TR
Vega Fuentes, Eduardo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3306 Ingeniería y tecnología eléctricas
Palabras clave: Load flow
Power distribution control
Energy storage
Power distribution faults
Concave programming, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Proyectos: Electricity Satnav – electricity smart availability topology of network for abundant electric vehicles (Reference: EP/R001456/2)
Street2Grid – an electricity blockchain platform for P2P energy trading’ (Reference: EP/S001778/2)
Publicación seriada: IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution 
Resumen: Three-phase unbalanced conditions in distribution networks are conventionally caused by load imbalance, asymmetrical fault conditions of transformers and impedances of three phases. The uneven integration of single-phase distributed generation (DG) worsens the imbalance situation. These unbalanced conditions result in financial losses, inefficient utilisation of assets and security risks to the network infrastructure. In this study, a phase-changing soft open point (PC-SOP) is proposed as a new way of connecting soft open points (SOPs) to balance the power flows among three phases by controlling active power and reactive power. Then an operational strategy based on PC-SOPs is presented for three-phase four-wire unbalanced systems. By optimising the regulation of SOPs, optimal energy storage systems dispatch and DG curtailment, the proposed strategy can reduce power losses and three-phase imbalance. Second-order cone programming (SOCP) relaxation is utilised to convert the original non-convex and non-linear model into an SOCP model which can be solved efficiently by commercial solvers. Case studies are conducted on a modified IEEE 34-node three-phase four-wire system and the IEEE 123-node test feeder to verify the effectiveness, efficiency and scalability of the proposed PC-SOP concept and its operational strategy.
ISSN: 1751-8687
DOI: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2019.1660
Fuente: IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution [ISSN 1751-8687], v. 14(23), p. 5685 – 5696, (Diciembre 2020)
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