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Título: Reconstrucción paleogeográfica de depósitos volcanosedimentarios Pliocenos en el litoral NE de Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias) mediante métodos topográficos
Autores/as: Perez-Torrado, Francisco-Jose 
Rodríguez Santana, Ángel 
Lomoschitz, Alejandro 
Cabrera, M.C. 
Gimeno Torrente, Domingo
Báez, M. C.
Santana Sarmiento, Francisco Jesús 
Melián, A. M.
Clasificación UNESCO: 2506 Geología
Palabras clave: Geología estratigráfica
Fecha de publicación: 2002
Resumen: Palaegeographical reconstruclions of marine deposits in volcanic islands represent powerful geological tool to identify eustatic vs. isostatic relative movements. NE coastal areas of Gran Canaria offer excellent outcrops of Pliocene marine deposits. They have allowed not only the reconstruction of marine ground surfaces at that time, but also the marine level registration that is shown in lava flows at the transition of submarine to subaerial structures. Based on both geological and topographic methods, this workpresents the palaeogeographical reconstruction of the two aforementioned levels, with centrimetre accuracy for three-dimensional coordinates.
Fuente: Geogaceta, v. 32, pp. 43-46. ISSN 0213-683X
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