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Título: La traducción al español del inglés afroamericano para doblaje: el caso de la serie Insecure
Autores/as: Méndez Silvosa, Natalia 
Bolaños Medina, Alicia 
Clasificación UNESCO: 5701 Lingüística aplicada
570112 Traducción
Palabras clave: Audiovisual translation
African American English
Language variation
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: Parallèles 
Resumen: Nowadays, a substantial majority of series and movies comes from the United States, whose social reality has always been linked to the fight for freedom and the elimination of racism. These themes have often been depicted in audiovisual products. The African-American population has its own dialect: African American English (AAE). Although black people have long been present in films and television, AAE has only been realistically used in audiovisual media in the last few years. These characters pose a challenge to translators, and their growing presence in audiovisual products requires further analysis of this topic, which currently lacks an extensive bibliography. In this paper, we analyse the original text and Spanish dubbing from a selected corpus comprised of several episodes of the American series Insecure. After classifying the distinctive features of the AAE by their nature, we study how these characteristics are translated. We also compare both versions so that we can identify the most prominent translation strategies and techniques in each category. This analysis aims to determine if there has been any effort to reproduce AAE in the Spanish dubbing or if, on the contrary, it has been completely eliminated.
ISSN: 2296-6684
Fuente: Paralléles [ISSN 2296-6684], v. 31 (2), p. 32-48, 2019
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