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Title: A Classification Scheme for Fuzzy Cellular Automata with Applications to ECA
Authors: Mingarelli, Angelo Bernardo
UNESCO Clasification: 3325 Tecnología de las telecomunicaciones
Keywords: Fuzzy Cellular Automata
Cellular Automata
Boolean Cellular Automata, et al
Issue Date: 2010
Journal: Journal of Cellular Automata 
Conference: 13th International Workshop on Cellular Automata 
Abstract: Using methods from the theory of fuzzy cellular automata as formulated over the past decade we present an analytic comprehensive derivation of a classification of fuzzy cellular automata (FCA) into four classes (1-4). Since fuzzy cellular automata include the elementary cellular automata in the limit, this classification can be applied to the original boolean ECA as considered by Wolfram and others [26]. When restricted in this way we can derive, in part, the Wolfram classification scheme.
ISSN: 1557-5969
Source: Journal of Cellular Automata [ISSN 1557-5969], v. 5 (6), p. 445-467, (2010)
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