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Título: Parallel classification pipelines for skin cancer detection exploiting hyperspectral imaging on hybrid systems
Autores/as: Torti, Emanuele
León Martín, Sonia Raquel 
Salvia, Marco La
Florimbi, Giordana
Martínez Vega, Beatriz 
Fabelo, Himar 
Ortega, Samuel 
Callicó, Gustavo M. 
Leporati, Francesco
Clasificación UNESCO: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Palabras clave: Cancer Detection
Graphic Processing Units
Hyperspectral Imaging
Multicore Cpu
Real-Time Systems
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Publicación seriada: Electronics (Switzerland) 
Resumen: The early detection of skin cancer is of crucial importance to plan an effective therapy to treat the lesion. In routine medical practice, the diagnosis is based on the visual inspection of the lesion and it relies on the dermatologists’ expertise. After a first examination, the dermatologist may require a biopsy to confirm if the lesion is malignant or not. This methodology suffers from false positives and negatives issues, leading to unnecessary surgical procedures. Hyperspectral imaging is gaining relevance in this medical field since it is a non-invasive and non-ionizing technique, capable of providing higher accuracy than traditional imaging methods. Therefore, the development of an automatic classification system based on hyperspectral images could improve the medical practice to distinguish pigmented skin lesions from malignant, benign, and atypical lesions. Additionally, the system can assist general practitioners in first aid care to prevent noncritical lesions from reaching dermatologists, thereby alleviating the workload of medical specialists. In this paper is presented a parallel pipeline for skin cancer detection that exploits hyperspectral imaging. The computational times of the serial processing have been reduced by adopting multicore and many-core technologies, such as OpenMP and CUDA paradigms. Different parallel approaches have been combined, leading to the development of fifteen classification pipeline versions. Experimental results using in-vivo hyperspectral images show that a hybrid parallel approach is capable of classifying an image of 50 × 50 pixels with 125 bands in less than 1 s.
DOI: 10.3390/electronics9091503
Fuente: Electronics (Switzerland)[EISSN 2079-9292],v. 9 (9), p. 1-21, (Septiembre 2020)
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