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Título: Follow-up patency of side branches covered by intracoronary Palmaz-Schatz stent
Autores/as: Pan, Manuel
Medina, Alfonso
Suárez de Lezo, José
Romero Moreno, Miguel Ángel
Melián, Francisco
Pavlovic, Djordje
Hernández, Enrique
Segura, José
Marrero, José
Torres, Francisco
Gimenez, Diego
Ortega, José R.
Clasificación UNESCO: 320501 Cardiología
Palabras clave: Coronary Angioplasty
Fecha de publicación: 1995
Publicación seriada: The American heart journal 
Resumen: To assess the risk of late side branch occlusion after Palmaz-Schatz stent deployment, we analyzed the angiographic evolution of 62 patients treated by successful stent implantation who had a total of 85 side branches starting from the stented segment. Side branches were considered minor (n = 39) when the diameter was <1 mm and intermediate (n = 46) when the vessel had greater than or equal to 1 mm diameter. One angiographic follow-up study was available in all patients at 8 +/- 5 months. Eight minor branches presented some degree of stenosis at origin before stent deployment (4 totally occluded). After stent deployment, 32 (82%) of 39 remained unchanged and 3 became occluded. Late progression at origin occurred in 4 of 34 (3 occluded). Before stent deployment, 48% of the intermediate branches had some compromise degree at their starting point (1 totally occluded). Eight of 45 intermediate branches became occluded after stent implantation. Late progression at origin happened in 5 of 32 branches (2 occluded). Some degree of follow-up stenosis regression at the origin was observed in 22 (26%) of 85 arteries. Neither clinical nor angiographic factors could be identified as predictors of late side branch occlusion or stenosis progression at its origin. Later occlusion or progression at origin of a side branch covered by a Palmaz-Schatz stent seems to be an uncommon occurrence (7% and 12% respectively) that cannot be predicted by angiographic or clinical factors. On the contrary, regression at follow-up of a side branch-origin stenosis can also come about.
ISSN: 0002-8703
DOI: 10.1016/0002-8703(95)90264-3
Fuente: American Heart Journal [ISSN 0002-8703], v. 129 (3), p. 436-440, (Marzo 1995)
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