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Título: Divided Palmaz-Schatz(Tm) stent for discrete coronary stenosis
Autores/as: Medina, Alfonso
Hernández, Enrique
Suárez de Lezo, José María
Pan, Manuel
Melián, Francisco
Romero Moreno, Miguel Ángel
Marrero, J.
Irurita, M.
Pavlovic, Djordje
Clasificación UNESCO: 320501 Cardiología
Palabras clave: Stents
Palmaz-Schatz Stent
Fecha de publicación: 1992
Publicación seriada: Journal of Invasive Cardiology 
Resumen: This article shows the findings observed in a group of 7 patients with short coronary lesions who were treated by a divided (7 mm length) coronary Palmaz-Schatz(TM) stent, in trying to match the length of the stent to that of the treated segment. All of the patients were male and had a mean age of 59 +/- 5 years; 6 had unstable and 1 stable angina. The angiographic length of the lesion was 4.3 +/- 1 mm. The divided stent was successfully deployed in all cases and remained in place without complications. The clinical condition stabilized and all 7 patients were symptom-free 6 months post-hospital discharge. At angiographic follow-up studies, performed before discharge and at 2 and 6 months later, there were no significant changes in the resultant minimal lumen diameter. The stented segment and surrounding areas remained smooth and without intraluminal defects. These observations suggest that a 7 mm length stent is effective in avoiding elastic recoil of discrete coronary lesions. This reduced length could be helpful in: 1) decreasing exposed metallic surface, 2) increasing deliverability and 3) preventing the origin of nearby side-branches to be covered by a standard 15 mm length stent.
ISSN: 1042-3931
Fuente: Journal of Invasive Cardiology [ISSN 1042-3931], v. 4 (8), p. 389-392, (Octubre 1992)
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