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Title: Corporate governance as motor of change of entrepreneurial culture
Authors: Rodríguez Ariza, Lázaro
López Pérez, María Victoria
García Santana, Arminda 
UNESCO Clasification: 5311 Organización y dirección de empresas
Keywords: Corporate Governance Practices
Entrepreneurial Performance
Gobierno corporativo
Issue Date: 2006
Journal: Corporate Ownership and Control 
Abstract: Information disclosure on best practices should have positive effects on entrepreneurial performance. This paper attempts to study the deep cultural change occurring in firms. To achieve this, we analyze the effect of adopting good corporate governance practices on management. Thus, the objective of this research is to test whether significant differences in entrepreneurial efficiency exist between two groups of firms. One of these groups quotes on Dow Jones Global Index (DJGI) and has adopted good corporate governance practices. The other group is formed of firms which do not quoted on stock exchange and do not apply best practices. We selected a sample of 100 firms for the period 1998-2004 and analysed some economicalfinancial indicators usually used to measure entrepreneurial efficiency. We confirm the effect that the adoption of these practices has on economic-financial indicators. The empirical analysis supports the conclusion that differences in efficiency exist between firms that belong to the DJGI and disclose information concerning best practices and firms that do not quote on stock exchange and do not disclose this kind of information. We then study the sign of these differences and draw conclusions.
ISSN: 1727-9232
Source: Corporate Ownership and Control[ISSN 1727-9232],v. 3 (4 B), p. 192-201, (Diciembre 2006)
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