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Título: Enhanced Electric Vehicle Integration in the UK Low-Voltage Networks With Distributed Phase Shifting Control
Autores/as: Vega-Fuentes, E. 
Denai, M.
Clasificación UNESCO: 3306 Ingeniería y tecnología eléctricas
Palabras clave: Capacity
Electric vehicle
Low-Voltage Networks
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Proyectos: Catedra Endesa Red 
Publicación seriada: IEEE Access 
Resumen: Electric vehicles (EV) have gained global attention due to increasing oil prices and rising concerns about transportation-related urban air pollution and climate change. While mass adoption of EVs has several economic and environmental benefits, large-scale deployment of EVs on the low-voltage (LV) urban distribution networks will also result in technical challenges. This paper proposes a simple and easy to implement single-phase EV charging coordination strategy with three-phase network supply, in which chargers connect EVs to the less loaded phase of their feeder at the beginning of the charging process. Hence, network unbalance is mitigated and, as a result, EV hosting capacity is increased. A new concept, called Maximum EV Hosting Capacity (HCmax) of low voltage distribution networks, is introduced to objectively assess and quantify the enhancement that the proposed phase-shifting strategy could bring to distribution networks. The resulting performance improvement has been demonstrated over three real UK residential networks through a comprehensive Monte Carlo simulation study using Matlab and OpenDSS tools. With the same EV penetration level, the under-voltage probability was reduced in the first network from 100% to 54% and in the second network from 100% to 48%. Furthermore, percentage voltage unbalance factors in the networks were successfully restored to their original values before any EV connection.
ISSN: 2169-3536
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2909990
Fuente: IEEE Access [ISSN 2169-3536], v. 7, p. 46796-46807
Enhanced Electric Vehicle Integration in the UK Low-Voltage Networks With Distributed Phase Shifting Control
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