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Título: An asymmetric bimodal distribution with application to quantile regression
Autores/as: Gomez, Yolanda M.
Gómez Déniz, Emilio 
Venegas, Osvaldo
Gallardo, Diego, I
Gomez, Hector W.
Clasificación UNESCO: 5302 Econometría
Palabras clave: Econometría
Distribución asimétrica bimodal
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: Symmetry 
Resumen: In this article, we study an extension of the sinh Cauchy model in order to obtain asymmetric bimodality. The behavior of the distribution may be either unimodal or bimodal. We calculate its cumulative distribution function and use it to carry out quantile regression. We calculate the maximum likelihood estimators and carry out a simulation study. Two applications are analyzed based on real data to illustrate the flexibility of the distribution for modeling unimodal and bimodal data.
ISSN: 2073-8994
DOI: 10.3390/sym11070899
Fuente: Symmetry [ISSN 2073-8994], v. 11 (9), p. 899
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