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Título: Use of hyperspectral/multispectral imaging in gastroenterology. Shedding some-different-light into the dark
Autores/as: Ortega Sarmiento, Samuel 
Fabelo, Himar 
Iakovidis, Dimitris K.
Koulaouzidis, Anastasios
Callicó, Gustavo M. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3314 Tecnología médica
Palabras clave: Multispectral Video Endoscopy
Hyperspectral Data
Classification, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: Journal of Clinical Medicine 
Resumen: Hyperspectral/Multispectral imaging (HSI/MSI) technologies are able to sample from tens to hundreds of spectral channels within the electromagnetic spectrum, exceeding the capabilities of human vision. These spectral techniques are based on the principle that every material has a different response (reflection and absorption) to different wavelengths. Thereby, this technology facilitates the discrimination between different materials. HSI has demonstrated good discrimination capabilities for materials in fields, for instance, remote sensing, pollution monitoring, field surveillance, food quality, agriculture, astronomy, geological mapping, and currently, also in medicine. HSI technology allows tissue observation beyond the limitations of the human eye. Moreover, many researchers are using HSI as a new diagnosis tool to analyze optical properties of tissue. Recently, HSI has shown good performance in identifying human diseases in a non-invasive manner. In this paper, we show the potential use of these technologies in the medical domain, with emphasis in the current advances in gastroenterology. The main aim of this review is to provide an overview of contemporary concepts regarding HSI technology together with state-of-art systems and applications in gastroenterology. Finally, we discuss the current limitations and upcoming trends of HSI in gastroenterology.
ISSN: 2077-0383
DOI: 10.3390/jcm8010036
Fuente: Journal of Clinical Medicine [ISSN 2077-0383], v. 8 (1)
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