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Título: Inclusion of Unemployed People at Social Risk and Private Training Markets in Ireland, Portugal, and Spain
Autores/as: Alemán Falcón, Jesús 
Calcines Piñero, María Ascensión 
Clasificación UNESCO: 63 Sociología
Palabras clave: Social exclusion
Private training entities
Long-term unemployed
Insertion companies
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Editor/a: Springer 
Resumen: The Europe 2020 Strategy arose from the serious economic and social crisis experienced on the European continent in recent years. One of its objectives is to reduce the number of people at risk of poverty and social exclusion by 20 million before 2020. For this reason, adult education programs being developed in EU countries are an important contribution to the achievement of this objective. This chapter first addresses the legislative measures adopted in Europe regarding the training of adults and integrating the long-term unemployed and people at risk of social exclusion into the labor market. Next, the actions developed by companies and private entities in Ireland, Portugal, and Spain are analyzed with the aim of socially and occupationally integrating these people, given the high rates of poverty and risk of social exclusion in each of these countries. Ireland’s Back to Education Initiative (BTEI) is addressed, as well as Portugal’s EFA courses and Spain’s training in alternation with the employment and insertion companies approach. In conclusion, it is analyzed what factors companies must consider in the field of training to socially and occupationally integrate these disadvantaged groups.
ISBN: 978-3-319-49789-1
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-94532-3_108
Fuente: Handbook of Vocational Education and Training: Developments in the Changing World of Work / Simon McGrath (ed. lit.), Martin Mulder (ed. lit.), Joy Papier (ed. lit.), Rebecca Suart (ed. lit.), p. 1-24
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