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Título: Analysis of radiative opacities for optically thin and thick astrophysical plasmas
Autores/as: Espinosa Vivas, Guadalupe 
Rodríguez Pérez, Rafael 
Gil, Juan Miguel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 220410 Física de plasmas
Palabras clave: Monochromatic and multigroup opacities
Non-local thermodynamic equilibrium
Plasma self-absorption
Astrophysical plasmas
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Proyectos: Desarrollo de Modelos Físicos y Su Integración Computacional Para la Descripción Microscópica de Plasmas De 
Publicación seriada: Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 
Resumen: The resolution of the radiative transfer equation in radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of astrophysical plasmas require radiative opacities. In this work, an analysis of the monochromatic and multigroup opacities of an astrophysical plasma mixture has been carried out. The study has been made in ranges of electron temperatures and densities of 1−1000 eV and 1011−1020 cm−3, respectively, a wide range of plasma conditions that can be found in several astrophysical scenarios where local and non-local thermodynamic regimes are attained. Collisional-radiative calculations were performed to obtain the plasma level populations and the monochromatic opacities in that range of plasma conditions, covering both thermodynamic regimes. Since the astrophysical mixture includes chemical elements from hydrogen to iron, their contribution to the total opacity will depend on the plasma conditions and we have made a characterization of their contribution as a function of the electron density and temperature and also of the photon frequency. Multigroup and gray approaches are commonly used in the radiative transfer equation in radiation-hydrodynamic calculations. We have analyzed the influence of the number of the groups in the accuracy of the multigroup opacities and we have showed that, for a given plasma condition, the opacity of the multicomponent plasma in the gray approach may be considerably influenced by only some of the contributing elements, due to the influence of the weighting function in the mean, which can lead to great differences with respect to the monochromatic opacity. Finally, since there are situations in which the self-absorption of the plasma radiation becomes relevant due to the dimensions of the plasma, we have performed an analysis of the influence of the radiation trapping in the monochromatic and multigroup opacities in terms of the plasma conditions and the width of the plasma slab, assuming the plasma with planar geometry and we have also studied the departures of the local thermodynamic regime.
ISSN: 0022-4073
DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.106633
Fuente: Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer [ISSN 0022-4073], v. 237 (106633)
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