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Título: A scale of attitudes towards the students of classrooms of special education in ordinary schools
Autores/as: Artiles Rodríguez, Josué 
Rodríguez-Pulido, Josefa 
Álamo Bolaños, Arminda Mª Teresa 
Bolaños Paz, Gemma
Clasificación UNESCO: 58 Pedagogía
Palabras clave: Intellectual disabilities
Scale analysis
Exploratory structural equation modelling
Educational inclusion
Teachers' attitudes
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Publicación seriada: The turkish online journal of educational technology 
Resumen: Students with intellectual disabilities are increasingly present in primary and secondary schools. In schools coexist different ways of schooling to allow these people to study with students without disabilities. The importance of the instrument was to explore the attitudes of teachers working with students with intellectual disabilities in classrooms. The purpose of this research was to develop an instrument to assess teachers’ perceptions and needs related to the presence of students with intellectual disabilities in a regular classroom. A total of 849 teachers from 58 schools with a mean age of 45.54 years participated. Results showed that a three-factor structure (Favourable Attitude towards Inclusion, Negative Feelings towards Inclusion, and Competence Needs) was the best solution, with appropriate reliability and validity. The scale developed in this study enables an initial diagnosis of school functioning by assessing teachers’ perceptions and needs.
ISSN: 2146-7242
Fuente: The turkish online journal of educational technology [ISSN 2146-7242], v. 1 (November), p. 54-62
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