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Título: A perspective analysis of handwritten signature technology
Autores/as: Diaz, Moises 
Ferrer, Miguel A. 
Impedovo, Donato
Malik, Muhammad Imran
Pirlo, Giuseppe
Plamondon, Réjean
Clasificación UNESCO: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Palabras clave: Writer Dependent Features
Support Vector Machines
Stroke Risk-Factors
Dynamic Signature
Symbolic Representation, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: ACM Computing Surveys 
Resumen: Handwritten signatures are biometric traits at the center of debate in the scientific community. Over the last 40 years, the interest in signature studies has grown steadily, having as its main reference the application of automatic signature verification, as previously published reviews in 1989, 2000, and 2008 bear witness. Ever since, and over the last 10 years, the application of handwritten signature technology has strongly evolved and much research has focused on the possibility of applying systems based on handwritten signature analysis and processing to a multitude of new fields. After several years of haphazard growth of this research area, it is time to assess its current developments for their applicability in order to draw a structured way forward. This perspective reports a systematic review of the last 10 years of the literature on handwritten signatures with respect to the new scenario, focusing on the most promising domains of research and trying to elicit possible future research directions in this subject.
ISSN: 0360-0300
DOI: 10.1145/3274658
Fuente: ACM Computing Surveys [ISSN 0360-0300], v. 51 (6), 117
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