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Title: State of rare earth elements in the sediment and their bioaccumulation by mangroves: a case study in pristine islands of Indian Sundarban
Authors: Mandal, Sanjay K.
Ray, Raghab
González, Aridane G. 
Mavromatis, Vasileios
Pokrovsky, Oleg S.
Jana, Tapan K.
UNESCO Clasification: 2391 Química ambiental
Keywords: East-Coast
Southeast Coast
Soil Samples
Fractionation, et al
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: 0944-1344
Journal: Environmental Science and Pollution Research 
Abstract: The mangrove ecosystems are known to efficiently sequester trace metals both in sediments and plant biomass. However, less is known about the chemistry of rare earth elements (REE) in the coastal environments, especially in the world's largest mangrove province, the Sundarban. Here, the concentration of REE in the sediment and plant organs of eight dominant mangrove species (mainly Avicennia sp.) in the Indian Sundarban was measured to assess REE sources, distribution, and bioaccumulation state. Results revealed that light REE (LREE) were more concentrated than the heavy REE (HREE) (128-144 mg kg(-1) and 12-15 mg kg(-1), respectively) in the mangrove sediments, with a relatively weak positive europium anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 1.03-1.14) with respect to North American shale composite. The primary source of REE was most likely linked to aluminosilicate weathering of crustal materials, and the resultant increase in LREE in the detritus. Vertical distribution of REE in one of the long cores from Lothian Island was altered by mangrove root activity and dependent on various physicochemical properties in the sediment (e.g., Eh, pH, organic carbon, and phosphate). REE uptake by plants was higher in the below-ground parts than in the above-ground plant tissues (root = 3.3 mg kg(-1), leaf + wood = 1.7 mg kg(-1)); however, their total concentration was much lower than in the sediment (149.5 mg kg(-1)). Species-specific variability in bioaccumulation factor and translocation factor was observed indicating different REE partitioning and varying degree of mangrove uptake efficiency. Total REE stock in plant (above + live below ground) was estimated to be 168 g ha(-1) with LREE contributing similar to 90% of the stock. This study highlighted the efficiency of using REE as a biological proxy in determining the degree of bioaccumulation within the mangrove environment.
ISSN: 0944-1344
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-04222-1
Source: Environmental Science And Pollution Research [ISSN 0944-1344], v. 26 (9), p. 9146-9160, (Marzo 2019)
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