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Title: A fatty acid binding protein from Fasciola hepatica induced protection in C57/BL mice from challenge infection with Schistosoma bovis
Authors: López Abán, J.
Ramajo, V.
Pérez Arellano, J. L. 
Oleaga, A.
Hillyer, G. V.
Muro, A.
Keywords: Glutathione-S-Transferase
Resistance, et al
Issue Date: 1999
Publisher: 0304-4017
Journal: Veterinary Parasitology 
Abstract: Three strains of mice (NMRI, C57/BL, BALB/c) were each immunized with a 12 kDa purified, native Fasciola hepatica fatty acid binding protein (Fh12) and challenged percutaneously with Schistosoma bovis cercariae. C57/BL mice immunized with Fh12 had significant reductions in S. bovis worm burden recoveries (96 and 87% reductions over controls in two separate experiments). When using NMRI or BALB/c mice, Fh12 alone or in Freund's adjuvant failed to induce significant protection against S. bovis. In C57/BL mice vaccinated against Fh12, antibodies to the IgG2a isotype, but not to the IgG1 isotype, increased by 2 weeks after the second immunization and remained high through 8 weeks of S. bovis infection. Antibodies to S. bovis increased after 4 weeks of infection. Regarding cytokine production by spleen mononuclear cells, C57/BL mice vaccinated with Fh12 in adjuvant, and having the highest protective response against challenge infection with S. bovis, had an increase of IFN gamma production with Concanavalin A but no increase of IL-4 in similarly stimulated cells. These results suggest that the protection obtained in this group of mice is mediated by a Th1 immune response. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0304-4017
DOI: 10.1016/S0304-4017(99)00053-9
Source: Veterinary Parasitology[ISSN 0304-4017],v. 83, p. 107-121
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