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Título: | A comparative study on design optimization of polygonal and Bézier Curve-Shaped thin noise barriers using dual BEM formulation | Autores/as: | Toledo, Rayco Aznarez, Juan J. Maeso, Orlando Greiner, David |
Clasificación UNESCO: | 120601 Construcción de algoritmos 220101 Propiedades acústicas de los sólidos |
Palabras clave: | Thin noise barriers Shape optimization Genetic algorithms Dual boundary element formulation |
Fecha de publicación: | 2015 | Editor/a: | Springer | Proyectos: | Avances en El Estudio Dinámico de Sistemas Suelo-Estructura y Suelo-Agua-Estructura.Acciones Sísmicas y Propagación de Ondas. Avances en el estudio de los factores que determinan la respuesta de estructuras ante cargas dinámicas. |
Publicación seriada: | Computational Methods in Applied Sciences | Conferencia: | 10th EUROGEN International Conference 2013 | Resumen: | The inclusion of sound barriers for abating road traffic noise is a broadly used strategy that is often constrained by the requirements associated with its effective height. Due to this fact, the searching process has to deal with compromise solutions between the effective height and the acoustic efficiency of the barrier, assessed by the insertion loss (IL) in this paper. Two different barrier designs are studied herein for two different receivers configurations and for three clearly distinguishable regions in terms of closeness to the barrier. These models are based on the optimization of the IL of thin-cross section profiles proposed by an Evolutionary Algorithm. The special nature of these sorts of barriers makes necessary the implementation of a dual BEM formulation in the optimization process. Results obtained show the usefulness of representing complex thin-cross section barrier configurations as null boundary thickness-like models. | URI: | | ISBN: | 978-3-319-11540-5 | ISSN: | 1871-3033 | DOI: | 10.1007/978-3-319-11541-2_22 | Fuente: | Advances In Evolutionary And Deterministic Methods For Design, Optimization And Control In Engineering And Sciences / Greiner D., Galván B., Périaux J., Gauger N., Giannakoglou K., Winter G. (eds). Computational Methods in Applied Sciences [ISSN 1871-3033], v. 36, p. 335-349 |
Colección: | Capítulo de libro |
actualizado el 23-nov-2024
actualizado el 23-nov-2024
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