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Title: Information technology for education management and open source software: improving education management through open source
Authors: Bulchand, Jacques 
Osorio Acosta, Javier 
Rodríguez, Jorge
UNESCO Clasification: 5802 Organización y planificación de la educación
Keywords: Educación
Innovaciones tecnológicas
Open source
Education management
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: 1571-5736
Journal: IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 
Abstract: Open Source Software has received lately a great deal of attention, specially due to its lower cost in comparison to Proprietary Software. In the education area, this is quite important due to economical restrictions. Lately, we have seen different Spanish communities embracing the OSS model following different models. This article begins by examining OSS history, as well as its main strengths and weaknesses. It follows examining the possibilities and advantages of OSS in education and presents three possible ways in which the OSS can be introduced in a territory.
ISBN: 978-0-387-69310-1
ISSN: 1571-5736
DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-69312-5_15
Source: IFIP International Federation for Information Processing [ISSN 1571-5736], v. 230, p. 115-122
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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