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Title: Yogurt consumption and abdominal obesity reversion in the PREDIMED study
Authors: Santiago, S.
Sayón-Orea, C.
Babio, N.
Ruiz-Canela, M.
Martí, A.
Corella, D.
Estruch, R.
Fitó, M.
Aros, F.
Ros, E.
Gómez-García, E.
Fiol, M.
Lapetra, J.
Serra Majem, Luis 
Becerra-Tomás, N.
Salas-Salvadó, J.
Pinto, X.
Schröder, H.
Martínez, J.A.
UNESCO Clasification: 3206 Ciencias de la nutrición
Keywords: Abdominal obesity
Older adults
Waist circumference
Issue Date: 2016
Journal: Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 
Abstract: Background and aims: Evidence on the association yogurt consumption and obesity is not conclusive. The aim of this study was to prospectively evaluate the association between yogurt consumption, reversion of abdominal obesity status and waist circumference change in elderly. Methods and results: 4545 individuals at high cardiovascular risk were prospectively followed. Total, whole-fat and low-fat yogurt consumption were assessed using food frequency questionnaires. Generalized estimating equations were used to analyze the association between yogurt consumption and waist circumference change (measured at baseline and yearly during the follow-up). Logistic regression models were used to evaluate the odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CIs of the reversion rate of abdominal obesity for each quintile of yogurt consumption compared with the lowest quintile. After multivariable adjustment, the average yearly waist circumference change in the quintiles of whole-fat yogurt consumption was: Q1: 0.00, Q2: 0.00 (-0.23 to 0.23), Q3: -0.15 (-0.42 to 0.13), Q4: 0.10 (-0.21 to 0.42), and Q5: -0.23 (-0.46 to -0.00) cm; p for trend = 0.05. The ORs for the reversion of abdominal obesity for whole-fat yogurt consumption were Q1: 1.00, Q2: 1.40 (1.04-1.90), Q3: 1.33 (0.94-1.89), Q4: 1.21 (0.83-1.77), and Q5: 1.43 (1.06-1.93); p for trend = 0.26. Conclusion: Total yogurt consumption was not significantly associated with reversion of abdominal obesity status and a lower waist circumference. However, consumption of whole-fat yogurt was associated with changes in waist circumference and higher probability for reversion of abdominal obesity. Therefore, it seems that whole-fat yogurt has more beneficial effects in management of abdominal obesity in elderly population at high cardiovascular risk.
ISSN: 0939-4753
DOI: 10.1016/j.numecd.2015.11.012
Source: Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases [ISSN 0939-4753], v. 26 (6), p. 468-475
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