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Título: Predicting in vivo oxygen consumption rate from ETS activity and bisubstrate enzyme kinetics in cultured marine zooplankton
Autores/as: Osma, N. 
Fernández-Urruzola, I. 
Gómez, M. 
Montesdeoca-Esponda, S. 
Packard, T. T. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 310801 Bacterias
2401 Biología animal (zoología)
Palabras clave: Kinetic constant
Intracellular concentration
Oxygen consumption rate
Electron transport system
Pyridine nucleotide, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: Marine Biology 
Resumen: Oxygen consumption rates (RO2) in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis and the mysid Leptomysis lingvura during both well-fed conditions and starvation have been modeled using the electron transport system (ETS) activity, bisubstrate kinetics and intracellular concentration of substrates. Furthermore, the influence of the food quality on the respiratory metabolism and metabolite levels has been explored. The highest values of most of the variables both in rotifers and mysids were mainly found on organisms grown on the lipid-rich diet, although no differences were determined between treatments in the response to starvation. Time courses of the RO2 and the concentration of pyridine and adenine nucleotides evidenced a sharp decrease during food shortage and a fast recovery with food restoration, whereas the potential respiration (Φ) remained fairly constant. In general, the modeled RO2 (VO2) predicted with a high degree of success in the in vivo RO2, even though it yielded relatively lower values. Nonetheless, the correlation of the measured RO2 with VO2 during starvation was much better than with the RO2 estimated from ETS measurements and a fixed RO2/Φ ratio. Finally, the observed relationship between the measured RO2 and the adenine nucleotide ADP suggests that the contribution of this nucleotide should be included in future applications of this model.
ISSN: 0025-3162
DOI: 10.1007/s00227-016-2923-x
Fuente: Marine Biology [ISSN 0025-3162],v. 163 (146)
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