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Título: Worker word of mouth on the internet: Influence on human resource image, job seekers and employees
Autores/as: Melián-González, Santiago 
Bulchand-Gidumal, Jacques 
Clasificación UNESCO: 5306 Economía del cambio tecnológico
Palabras clave: Employee attitudes
Organizational image
Work-related WOM
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: International Journal of Manpower 
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the consequences of an unexplored and real worker behavior on the internet (worker electronic word of mouth (weWOM)) for human resource image, as well as to analyze its impact on job seekers and employee’s intentions and attitudes. Design/methodology/approach – The research objectives were tested through a web-based experiment based on real weWOM. Through a self-selected sample procedure, 238 individuals were exposed to three types of weWOM: positive, negative, and intermediate. Findings – Depending on the kind of weWOM people see on the internet, perceived HR image changes. Positive, intermediate, and negative weWOM produce different behavioral intentions with respect to different recruiting aspects. weWOM also influences two important employee attitudes and resulted more credible than firms’ recognitions. Research limitations/implications – The sample is a convenience one. Since managers may be reluctant to admit weWOM’s credibility the relationship between weWOM and other employees’ attitudes data should be analyzed. Practical implications – weWOM may constitute an indicator for anticipating applicants’ key behavior (intention to apply, intention to recommend a company, and compensation demands). In order to stimulate it companies should generate relevant information about the most common categories of weWOM and place it on the employer review websites. Additionally, if weWOM is positive it can be used to create a positive external constructed image among the staff. Social implications – weWOM is a current phenomenon without information about its implications. Most of the websites that host it are free accessible. This research offers specific data about how people react to it. Originality/value – Employer review websites are probably the preferred channels to express work-related WOM. Nevertheless the current spread of the internet only one study has been conducted about it. This research fits in the current social media age and sheds new information about this kind of communication. The findings contribute to strengthen the theory about how organizational image is built showing that WOM and social media exposure are significant determinants of two types of organizational images. Also we contribute to the theory about recruitment showing detailed information regarding what may occurs during the first phases of this practice.
ISSN: 0143-7720
DOI: 10.1108/IJM-09-2014-0188
Fuente: International Journal of Manpower[ISSN 0143-7720],v. 37, p. 709-723
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