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Title: Abdominal decompression plays a major role in early postparacentesis haemodynamic changes in cirrhotic patients with tense ascites
Authors: Cabrera, J.
Falcón, L.
Gorriz, E.
Pardo, M. D.
Granados, R.
Quinones, A.
Maynar Moliner, Manuel 
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
3205 Medicina interna
Keywords: Large-Volume Paracentesis
Therapeutic Paracentesis
Hepatic Hemodynamics
Plasma Expanders
Albumin, et al
Issue Date: 2001
Journal: Gut 
Conference: 48th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases 
Abstract: Background-Some cirrhotic patients with tense ascites who undergo paracentesis develop a circulatory dysfunction syndrome, manifested by an increase in plasma renin activity. Recently, a significant inverse correlation between postparacentesis changes in plasma renin activity and systemic vascular resistance has been demonstrated in these patients, suggesting that peripheral arterial vasodilatation could be responsible for this circulatory dysfunction, but the mechanisms by which tense ascites removal induces such changes are unknownAim-To investigate the role of a decrease in intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) in the development of early postparacentesis haemodynamic changes Methods-Eleven cirrhotic patients with tense ascites received a large volume paracentesis. A specially designed pneumatic girdle was used to compress the abdomen to avoid a decrease in IAP during ascites removal. Haemodynamic studies were performed before paracentesis, one hour after ascites flow stopped, and 30 minutes after pneumatic girdle deflationResults-When LAP was maintained at its original level, no haemodynamic changes were observed, despite large volume paracentesis. However, a significant decrease in systemic vascular resistance was seen immediately after pneumatic girdle deflationConclusions-Early haemodynamic changes after paracentesis are avoided if IAP is maintained at its original level. The abrupt decrease in IAP could be the trigger for the development of the initial haemodynamic changes that eventually produce postparacentesis circulatory dysfunction.
ISSN: 0017-5749
DOI: 10.1136/gut.48.3.384
Source: Gut[ISSN 0017-5749],v. 48, p. 384-389 (Abril 2001)
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