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Title: Clinical and immune aspects of idiopathic acute tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome
Authors: Rodriguez-Perez, Jose Carlos 
Cruz-Alamo, Manuel
Perez-Aciego, Paloma
Macia-Heras, Manuel
Naranjohernandez, A 
Plaza-Toledano, Celia
Hortal-Cascon, Luis
Fernandez-Rodriguez, Ana
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
320506 Nefrología
Keywords: Interstitial nephritis
T lymphocytes
Cellular immunity
Issue Date: 1995
Journal: American Journal of Nephrology 
Abstract: Five patients with idiopathic interstitial nephritis and uveitis without bone marrow granulomas were followed-up for 1 year. Ophthalmological examination revealed bilateral anterior uveitis. Light microscopy of the renal tissue revealed predominant lymphocyte infiltration of the interstitium. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed a clear predominance of memory T lymphocytes (CD45RO+) in the interstitial and tubular infiltration. HLA typing, and immunophenotypic studies of peripheral blood mononuclear cells including absolute lymphocyte and monocyte counts were assessed. The patients’ peripheral T-cell subpopulation did not significantly differ from control studies. With steroid treatment maintained during a period of 6-9 months renal function and uveitis responded dramatically in all patients. After 1-year follow-up, only 1 patient showed a relapse of uveitis, but there was complete clinical recovery of the nephritis in all 5 patients. The aim of this study was to describe the 1-year follow-up of 5 new cases of acute tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome, and assess some aspects of their cellular immunity.
ISSN: 0250-8095
DOI: 10.1159/000168871
Source: American Journal of Nephrology[ISSN 0250-8095],v. 15, p. 386-391
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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