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Title: Effect of active recovery on performance and energy yield during high intensity exercise
Authors: Dorado Garcia, C. 
Sanchis Moysi, J. 
Chavarren Cabrero, J. 
Lopez Calbet, J. A. 
UNESCO Clasification: 241106 Fisiología del ejercicio
Issue Date: 1999
Publisher: 0212-8799
Journal: Archivos de Medicina del Deporte 
Abstract: The main aim of this study was to determine whether active recovery is more efficient than either passive recovery or recovery by performing stretching exercises, during high intensity intermittent exercise (HI). Another aim was to describe the effects of active recovery on the aerobic and anaerobic energy yield during HI. Ten physical education students participated in the study. First, they underwent an incremental exercise test to assess their maximal workload (Wmax). On subsequent days, they performed three different intermittent exercise tests (IET). Each IET consisted of 4 cycling bouts until exhaustion, at an intensity 10% higher than Wmax. Recovery periods of 5 min were allowed between bouts. IET differed in the kind of activity performed during the recovery periods: pedalling at 20% of VO2peak (EITA), stretching (EITS) or passive (EITP). Performance was 3-4% higher during the EITA than during the other two kinds of EIT (p < 0.05). The greater effectiveness of active recovery was due to its beneficial influence on exercise metabolism during the high intensity bout. The aerobic energy yield was 6-8% higher during the EITA (p < 0.05). In contrast, the anaerobic energy yield was similar in all EITs. Between the first and the last bout the maximal oxygen deficit was reduced by 48.2 ± 9.9%, 49.0 ± 11.6% and 49.0± 9.6% (EITA, EITS and EITP, respectively, all p < 0.001). In summary, active recovery facilitates performance by increasing the aerobic contribution to the whole energy yield during high intensity intermittent exercise. Active recovery has no significant effect on the anaerobic metabolism during high intensity intermittent exercise.
ISSN: 0212-8799
Source: Archivos de Medicina del Deporte[ISSN 0212-8799],v. 16, p. 397-413
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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