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Title: Mindfulness-based stimulation in advanced Alzheimer's disease: a comparative, non-inferiority, clinical pilot study
Authors: Quintana Hernández, Domingo Jesús
Miró Barrachina, María Teresa
Ibáñez Fernández, Ignacio
Santana del Pino, Angelo 
Rojas Hernández, Jaime
Rodríguez García, Javier
Quintana Montesdeoca, María del Pino 
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
240401 Bioestadística
120903 Análisis de datos
Keywords: Alzheimer's disease
Clinical pilot study
Issue Date: 2015
Journal: Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología 
Abstract: Introduction: A longitudinal study was conducted in order to analyze the feasibility, safety, and effects of the practice of mindfulness, relaxation and cognitive stimulation on the evolution of Alzheimer's disease, with the aim of testing the equivalence of these interventions. Material and methods: There were a total of 168 participants with probable Alzheimer's disease (AD) treated with donepezil. In the present article, the 21 participants with advanced AD who completed a follow-up period of 24 months are presented. The participants were grouped into three experimental groups (mindfulness, relaxation, and cognitive stimulation) and one control group. Each group carried out three weekly sessions with bi-annual follow-up measurements (cognition: CAMCOG and MMSE; functionality: RDRS; psychopathology: NPI). Non-parametric analyses were performed. Results: The cognitive function and functionality scores showed no significant differences between the groups. However, the scores in cognitive function of the mindfulness group and the cognitive stimulation group did not decrease in an intra-group analysis. In NPI, there were significant differences between the mindfulness group and the control group by the end of the study (P<.017). Conclusion: The data showed that the treatment with donepezil in combination with mindfulness or cognitive stimulation presented a better clinical evolution than the pharmacological treatment alone or combined with relaxation. These data suggest that these therapeutic alternatives should be investigated further, and that the non-pharmacological treatments should be recommended in clinical practice in order to control the evolution of AD in the long term. In order to confirm these findings, a larger study is necessary.
ISSN: 0211-139X
DOI: 10.1016/j.regg.2014.11.010
Source: Revista Espanola de Geriatria y Gerontologia [ISSN 0211-139X], v. 50(4), p. 168-173
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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