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Título: An efficient double-filter hardware architecture for H.264/AVC deblocking filtering
Autores/as: Tobajas, Félix 
Callicó, Gustavo M. 
Pérez, Pedro A.
De Armas Sosa, Valentín 
Sarmiento, Roberto 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Palabras clave: Automatic voltage control
Video compression
Adaptive filters, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Editor/a: 0098-3063
Publicación seriada: IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 
Resumen: In this paper, a novel hardware architecture for real-time implementation of the adaptive deblocking filtering process specified by the H.264/AVC video coding standard, is presented. The deblocking filter is a computationally and data intensive tool resulting in an increased execution time of both the encoding and decoding processes. The proposed architecture is based on a double- filter strategy that results in a significant saving in filtering cycles, memory requirements and gate count when compared with state-of-the-art approaches. The proposed architecture is implemented in synthesizable HDL at RTL level and verified with the reference software. This hardware is designed to be used as part of a complete H.264/A VC video coding system.
ISSN: 0098-3063
DOI: 10.1109/TCE.2008.4470035
Fuente: IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics[ISSN 0098-3063],v. 54, p. 131-139
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