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Título: Factors associated with the intention to provide breastfeeding
Autores/as: Falcón, Carmen
Llorca, Raquel
Acosta, Carolina Pérez
Ortiz-Andrellucchi, Adriana
Serra-Majem, Lluís 
Palabras clave: Reproductive Factors
Fecha de publicación: 2009
Editor/a: 1135-3074
Publicación seriada: Revista Española de Nutrición Comunitaria 
Resumen: Background: Factors associated to the intention to breastfeeding in pregnant women are not well understood.Methodology: Descriptive study based on 150 pregnant women with gestational age of 34 weeks or more, interviewed when attending the control of pregnancy. A questionnaire that collected general information as well as information related to the intention to give breastfeeding and myths existing about this topic was completed.Results: The prevalence of pregnant women with intention to give breastfeeding was 81%. Midwife appears as the main and best informant. In the multivariate analysis the opinion of the partner and the received information on breastfeeding were factors significantly associated with the intention to breastfeed.Conclusions: It is necessary to promote changes in the training of health personnel involved in giving information to pregnant woman about importance of breastfeeding as well as to develop initiatives involving the partner in the pregnant training session.
ISSN: 1135-3074
Fuente: Revista Espanola de Nutricion Comunitaria[ISSN 1135-3074],v. 15, p. 6-12
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