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Título: Sea urchin: from plague to market opportunity
Autores/as: Grisolía Santos, José María 
López del Pino, Francisco 
Ortúzar, Juan de Dios
Clasificación UNESCO: 530404 Comercio exterior
Palabras clave: Erizo de mar
Oportunidad de mercados
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Publicación seriada: Food Quality and Preference 
Resumen: The coast line of the Canary Islands (Spain) has suffered from a plague of Diadema antillarum (sea urchin) over the last decades. This has attracted the attention of local authorities since it is becoming a serious environmental problem. We set out to analyse the potential market for sea urchin meat in this region, where this species is not subject to commercial exploitation and it is relatively unknown. The paper uses data from a sample of volunteers who were interviewed before and after tasting different dishes cooked with sea urchin. We applied discrete choice models considering that answers before and after experiencing this food belonged to different types of data; this is a mixed data approach in the state of practice. Our main conclusion is that there is indeed a market niche for having specialised restaurants serving sea urchin as a delicacy food.
ISSN: 0950-3293
DOI: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2012.01.004
Fuente: Food Quality and Preference [ISSN 0950-3293], v. 25 (1), p. 46-56, (Julio 2012)
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