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Título: The effect of demand uncertainty on port terminal costs
Autores/as: Rodríguez-Álvarez, Ana
Tovar de la Fe, Beatriz Erasmi 
Wall, Alan
Clasificación UNESCO: 531212 Transportes y comunicaciones
Palabras clave: Puertos
Transporte marítimo
Fecha de publicación: 2011
Editor/a: 0022-5258
Publicación seriada: Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 
Resumen: A recent survey found that 40 per cent of vessels arrive later than planned, so demand uncertainty is a salient feature of port terminal activity. Terminals facing greater demand uncertainty and that wish to cater for this will incur extra costs to avoid the risk that shipping companies replace them. We estimate a short-run cost function using data on three Spanish port terminals which includes demand uncertainty as a regressor. We find that demand uncertainty has a significant effect on costs and we quantify this. Not taking demand uncertainty into account may lead to port terminals' efficiency being underestimated.
ISSN: 0022-5258
Fuente: Journal of Transport Economics and Policy[ISSN 0022-5258],v. 45, p. 303-328
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