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Título: The mediating role of perceived competence: Testing a motivational sequence in university students
Autores/as: Núñez, Juan L. 
Martín-Albo Lucas, José
Paredes, Alberto
Rodríguez, Óliver
Chipana, Noemí
Clasificación UNESCO: 61 Psicología
58 Pedagogía
Palabras clave: Self-determination
Perceived competence
Undergraduate students
Intrinsic motivation
Goal orientation
Fecha de publicación: 2011
Editor/a: 1657-9267
Publicación seriada: Universitas Psychologica 
Resumen: In order to test the mediating role of perceived competence between each goal orientation (i.e. task and ego orientations) and intrinsic motivation in a motivational sequence in the context of university education, two models based on the cognitive evaluation theory and the achievement goal theory were tested with 276 Bolivian undergraduate students (138 males, 138 females), who completed Spanish versions of instruments designed to assess motivation, perceived competence, and positive emotions and interest. Two models were found with structural equation modeling techniques, one for ego orientation and one for task orientation. Results showed that perceived competence acts as a good mediator in the relation between ego orientation and intrinsic motivation, and as a partial mediator in the relation between task orientation and intrinsic motivation.
ISSN: 1657-9267
Fuente: Universitas Psychologica[ISSN 1657-9267],v. 10, p. 669-680
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