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Título: Factors affecting the timing of the export development process in Spanish manufacturing firms
Autores/as: Olivares Mesa, Arístides
Suárez Ortega, Sonia María
Clasificación UNESCO: 5311 Organización y dirección de empresas
Palabras clave: Pequeñas y medianas empresas
Fecha de publicación: 2006
Editor/a: 1474-7979
Publicación seriada: Advances in International Marketing 
Conferencia: Consortium for International Marketing Research 
Resumen: We study entry timing in the export development process of Spanish manufacturing firms. We interpret this process as a sequential path which allows us to identify the following export stages: (I) the pre-engagement phase, where firms do not export; (II) the initial phase, where firms export via an agent; and (III) the advanced phase, where firms export via a sales subsidiary. This study explores factors, which can accelerate or decelerate the decision to change phases. Data are taken from the Spanish Survey on Business Strategies that comprises 1,478 firms in 2002. Event history analysis is applied to our dataset. Obtaining product or process innovations is the most significant motivation for an early entry in the initial and advanced phases of the export development process. Network ties, a broader scope of products, firm size and foreign ownership participation are also key factors in accelerating entries.
ISBN: 0762313692
ISSN: 1474-7979
DOI: 10.1016/S1474-7979(06)17003-9
Fuente: Advances in International Marketing[ISSN 1474-7979],v. 17, p. 89-105
Colección:Actas de congresos
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