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Título: Aggregation of dependent risks inmixtures of exponential distributions and extensions
Autores/as: Sarabia, José María
Gómez-Déniz, Emilio 
Prieto, Faustino
Jordá, Vanesa
Clasificación UNESCO: 53 Ciencias económicas
Palabras clave: Aggregation
Dependent random variables
Laplace transform
Collective risk model
Partial Bell polynomials
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Editor/a: 0515-0361
Publicación seriada: ASTIN Bulletin 
Resumen: The distribution of the sum of dependent risks is a crucial aspect in actuarial sciences, risk management and in many branches of applied probability. In this paper, we obtain analytic expressions for the probability density function (pdf) and the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of aggregated risks, modelled according to a mixture of exponential distributions. We first review the properties of the multivariate mixture of exponential distributions, to then obtain the analytical formulation for the pdf and the cdf for the aggregated distribution. We study in detail some specific families with Pareto (Sarabia et al., 2016), gamma, Weibull and inverse Gaussian mixture of exponentials (Whitmore and Lee, 1991) claims. We also discuss briefly the computation of risk measures, formulas for the ruin probability (Albrecher et al., 2011) and the collective risk model. An extension of the basic model based on mixtures of gamma distributions is proposed, which is one of the suggested directions for future research.
ISSN: 0515-0361
DOI: 10.1017/asb.2018.13
Fuente: ASTIN Bulletin[ISSN 0515-0361],v. 48, p. 1079-1107
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