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Título: Anglicisms and word axiology in homosexual language
Autores/as: Crespo-Fernández, Eliecer
Luján García, Carmen Isabel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 570113 Lingüística aplicada a la traducción e interpretación
570507 Psicolingüística
Palabras clave: Euphemism
Taboo of homosexuality
Tabú de la homosexualidad
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Publicación seriada: Revista Espanola de Linguistica Aplicada 
Resumen: Among those areas linked to the forbidden, homosexuality has traditionally met one of the strongest interdictions. Given the taboo nature of homosexuality, it is our purpose in this paper to gain an insight into the axiological values that anglicisms present in the Spanish homosexual vocabulary. The analysis of the different types of anglicisms in a sample of 253 English borrowings reveals that pure anglicisms (including clippings and initialisms) are the most frequently used, followed by pseudoanglicisms. Calques, hybrids and adapted anglicisms are used less often to refer to homosexuality. The research carried out reveals that anglicized units perform different X-phemistic functions in homosexual discourse: not only that of softening or avoiding the use of a taboo term in Spanish but also displaying in-group solidarity or referring to homosexuality disparagingly. Homosexual-related anglicisms promote innovative uses of the Spanish language and provide evidence of a special kind of language used by homosexuals.
ISSN: 0213-2028
DOI: 10.1075/resla.30.1.04cre
Fuente: Revista Española de Lingüistica Aplicada [ISSN 0213-2028] v.30 (1), p. 74-103
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