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Título: A resource-based analysis of the internationalisation process of Spanish wineries
Autores/as: Clavel, M.
Fernández Ortiz, Rubén
Arteaga-Ortiz, Jesús 
Valencia, H.
Clasificación UNESCO: 5311 Organización y dirección de empresas
Palabras clave: Foreign market selection
International priority index
Resource-based view
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Publicación seriada: European Journal of International Management 
Resumen: This research applies business resource theory to explain the internationalisation process of companies in the wine sector of Spain. Tangible, technological, and human resources, and market positioning of the company can determine the wineries' choice of internationalisation strategy and foreign market selection. Our findings identify company resources and capabilities that are more likely to speed up or delay the internationalisation process. We found that technological resources tend to accelerate the rate of internationalisation the most, whereas intangible resources of the company tend to determine a slower paced, more gradual internationalisation process. Moreover, we apply the internationalisation priority index (IPI) to explain foreign-country choices and howthe gradual ormoderate pace ofthe internationalisation process develops.
ISSN: 1751-6757
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2017.081249
Fuente: European Journal of International Management[ISSN 1751-6757],v. 11, p. 19-41
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