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Title: Intervención de Pensamiento Computacional en la Transición entre Educación Infantil y Primaria - [Computational Thinking Intervention at the Transition Between Early-Childhood and Primary Education]
Authors: Hernández Moreno, Cira
Lijó Sánchez,Rubén 
Alamo Rosales, Judit 
Quevedo Gutiérrez, Eduardo Gregorio 
UNESCO Clasification: 580204 Niveles y temas de educación
Issue Date: 2023
Conference: VII Congreso Internacional sobre Aprendizaje, Innovación y Cooperación (CINAIC 2023) 
Abstract: Research has been conducted on computational thinking at different educational levels. However, there is a lack of information regarding the transition from one stage to another, especially from Early Childhood Education to Primary Education. This study was executed during the academic year 2022/2023 in two schools in Gran Canaria: CEIP La Zafra and CPEIPS San Antonio María Claret, with the aim to evaluate the transition of computational thinking between educational stages and to observe its state also comparing a center with experience in its development with another one without experience. The total sample consists of 213 students. For the analysis of results, a Z test has been performed to compare proportions, considering a confidence value of 95%. These comparisons are defined by sex, educational level, and center. The recorded data have shown minimal difference in the transition between stages, but significant differences between groups from different schools.
DOI: 10.26754/CINAIC.2023.0079
Source: VII Congreso Internacional sobre Aprendizaje, Innovación y Cooperación (CINAIC 2023), (18-20 de Octubre de 2023, Madrid, España)
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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