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Título: Optimization of energy consumption in residential housing within the framework of energy sustainability strategies. A case study in the Canary Islands
Autores/as: Espino González, Francisco Rafael 
Armas Cabrera, María Eugenia 
Montesdeoca Martínez, Fernando 
Velázquez Medina, Sergio Leandro 
Clasificación UNESCO: 332205 Fuentes no convencionales de energía
3308 Ingeniería y tecnología del medio ambiente
Palabras clave: Sustainable buildings
Envelope design in residential housing
Energy planning
Climate conditions
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Proyectos: Adaptación al Cambio cLImático de los sistemas Energéticos de la MACaronesia 
Publicación seriada: Journal of Building Engineering 
Resumen: Given that the energy consumption of buildings equates to practically 40 % of the total energy demand of any electrical system, research studies on reducing such energy consumption are of paramount importance. This problem is accentuated in isolated weak electrical systems, like those found in many island territories, where there are significant limitations on the management of energy generation and demand. The objective of the present work is to identify the relationship between the energy consumption of residential housing and its thermal envelope characteristics within the framework of energy sustainability strategies. For this purpose, multiple solutions were compared based on combinations of values associated to different types of residential building, a wide range of thermal transmittance values based on the application of different materials and/or envelope designs, and different climate zones. It is concluded that the energy consumption of these buildings can be significantly reduced by optimizing the technical characteristics of the thermal envelope, adapting it the surrounding climate conditions. For the case study, the specific energy saving can be as high as 51.4 kWh/m2·year. Bearing in mind the housing stock in the study area, the total energy saving is equivalent to 9.17 % of its current energy demand. The results and conclusions obtained can be used in the development of planning strategies for new housing and/or the optimization of energy consumption in already existing housing stock.
ISSN: 2352-7102
DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2024.110014
Fuente: Journal of Building Engineering [ISSN 2352-7102], v. 94, 1 October 2024, 110014
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