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Título: Definition of Exergetic Efficiency in the Main and Emerging Thermal Desalination Technologies: A Proposal
Autores/as: Arakcheeva El Kori, Nenna 
Blanco Marigorta, Ana María 
Melián Martel, Noemí 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3303 ingeniería y tecnología químicas
Palabras clave: Brackish-Water Desalination
Membrane Distillation
Waste Heat
Thermoeconomic Analysis
Seawater Desalination, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Publicación seriada: Water (Switzerland) 
Resumen: Increasing attention is being given to reduce the specific energy consumption in desalination processes, which translates into greater use of exergy analysis. An exergetic analysis provides relevant information related to the influence of the efficiency of a single component in the global plant performance and in the exergy cost of the product. Therefore, an exergy analysis identifies the main improvement potentials in a productive thermodynamic process. Related to desalination technologies, many previous papers deal with the calculation of the parameters involved in the exergy analysis, the exergetic efficiency of different processes, plants, and technologies among them. However, different approaches for formulating the exergetic efficiency have been suggested in the literature, often without sufficient understanding and consistency. In this work, these formulations, applied to the main desalination components and processes, are compared and critically reviewed. Two definitions of exergy efficiency are applied to the desalination components of the three main thermal desalination processes (multieffect distillation-thermal vapour compression, multistage flash distillation, and direct-contact membrane distillation). The results obtained for the exergy efficiency of the MED-TVC, MSF, and DCMD processes for the input-output approach are 21.35%, 17.08%, and 1.28%, respectively, compared to the consumed-produced approach that presented 3.1%, 1.58%, and 0.37%, respectively. The consumed-produced approach seems to better fit the thermodynamic behaviour of thermal desalination systems.
ISSN: 2073-4441
DOI: 10.3390/w16091254
Fuente: Water [EISSN 2073-4441], v. 16 (9), (Mayo 2024)
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