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Título: Mechanical and permeability properties of skeletal and sheet triply periodic minimal surface scaffolds in bone defect reconstruction
Autores/as: Yánez Santana, Manuel Alejandro 
Cuadrado Hernández, Alberto Javier 
Martel Fuentes, Oscar 
Fiorucci, Maria Paula 
Deviaene, Sebastiaan
Clasificación UNESCO: 3313 Tecnología e ingeniería mecánicas
Palabras clave: Triply Period Minimal Surface Scaffolds
Sheet Gyroid Scaffolds
Skeletal Gyroid Scaffolds
Bone Defect Reconstruction
Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Proyectos: Análisis Biomecánicoy Biológico de la Combinación de Sistema de Osteosíntesisy Scaffold Para la Reparación de Defectos Óseos Segmentarios 
Publicación seriada: Results in Engineering 
Resumen: Triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) structures have proven to be suitable for biomorphic scaffold designs orientated towards bone ingrowth applications. In this work, different types of gyroid Ti-6Al-4V scaffolds (skeletal-TPMS-based and sheet-TMPS-based) have been designed and fabricated by laser powder bed fusion for the purposes of analysing them and clarifying which type of scaffolds could be the best option to use in bone defect repair. The compression and bending tests conducted demonstrated that the skeletal gyroid scaffolds were flexible enough to promote bone healing. On the other hand, the sheet gyroid scaffolds tested might be too rigid to promote optimal bone growth inside the scaffold. The torsional properties were acceptable for most of the scaffolds. The values of Darcian permeability for all the tested scaffolds seemed to promote bone rather than cartilage ingrowth.
ISSN: 2590-1230
DOI: 10.1016/j.rineng.2024.101883
Fuente: Results In Engineering [ISSN 2590-1230], v. 21, (Marzo 2024)
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